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Eric Ginsburg

Eric Ginsburg is the immediate past Clerk of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a Quaker lobbying organization in the public interest. Eric previously spent 35 years with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, serving as a senior policy advisor to EPA’s air pollution program. Eric holds degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in Political Economy of Natural Resources and from the North Carolina Central University School of Law.

Erin Danford
Vis Chair, Trezorè

Erin Danford se vis Prezidan Kay Blada resiklaj e li se fondatè Kay Blada UNC aspsyon etidyan. Pou Kounya li ap etide syans anvironman nan University of North Carolina at Chapel hill, e li sèvi Kom “board member” enstitisyon pou anvironman “board of visitors”. Li resaman jwenn yon bous pou li ka develop yon dokimantè sou Kay Blada Resiklaj.

Johnson "Blada" Desauguste

Blada se fondatè e prezidan Kay Blada resiklaj. Li fèt e grandi an Ayiti e li ale United States avèk madanm li kote li fonde Kay Blada nan Snow Camp, Karolin di No. Li vwayaje Ayiti ale retou plizyè fwa an Haiti nan ane a, e li manaje pogram nan nan Karolin di No avèk èd de  “board of directors” e ak èd travayè ki an Ayiti yo.

Lunide Sylne
Board Member

Lunide se yon etidyan nan byoloji a UNC Chapel Hill. Li te viv an Ayiti pou majorite vi li, e li se yon mamb nan Kay Blada asosyasyon etidyan nan UNC. Lunide te komanse sevi kom yon “Board member” an Avril 2018.

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Robin Serne

Robin is a grant writer and holds a bachelor’s degree from UNC Asheville in Environmental Studies, Management and Policy.  She has written and been awarded several grants, including a USDA grant for her previous farm, and more recently, several grants for a North Carolina wildlife shelter.  Robin plans to study environmental conservation, grant writing, and non-profit management in graduate school and serves as KBR's secretary.

Devin Collins
Board Member

Devin Collins se yon etidyan ki ap etidye biznis administrasyon nan University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Li te resevwa entrennman kòm yon analist nan bank of America Merrill Lynch, e li te fè yon staj nan Strata Solar e Enlight Research.

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Laura McKelvey
Board Member

Laura holds a BS in Natural Resource Management from the University of the South and a Master in Environmental Management from Duke University. She spent 3 years in the Peace Corps working with upland slash and burn farmers, mitigating soil erosion and introducing integrated farming techniques. Since 1989 she has worked for the US EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, currently serving as a policy advisor.

Kay Blada Resiklaj

(336) 684-0432

Lokalize: Hinche, Haiti ak Chapel Hill, NC

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Special thanks to our sponsors

Kay Blada Recycling

Phone: (336) 684-0432

Located in Hinche, Haiti and Chapel Hill, NC

EIN: 82-4964064

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Sponsorship Opportunity
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