Johnson "Blada" Desauguste
Blada is the founder and president of Kay Blada Recycling. He grew up in Haiti and moved to the United States with his wife, where he founded Kay Blada from Snow Camp, North Carolina. He travels back and forth to Haiti several times throughout the year, managing the program from North Carolina with help from the board of directors and staff in Haiti.
Open Seat
The Treasurer shall chair the Finance & Audit Committee with members appointed by the board. The Committee shall review the annual operating and capital budgets and make a recommendation concerning the budgets to the full board, whose responsibility it is to approve the annual budget. The Finance Committee shall further be tasked with organizing fundraising and grant applications with a duty to fulfilling the aspirations of the organization’s mission. (KBR's Bylaws section 5.03)
Lunide Sylne
Board Member
Lunide is a biology major at UNC Chapel Hill. Lunide grew up in Haiti and is now studying in North Carolina. She is president of Kay Blada's student organization at UNC, and began serving as a board member in April 2018.
Laura McKelvey
Board Member
Laura holds a BS in Natural Resource Management from the University of the South and a Master in Environmental Management from Duke University. She spent 3 years in the Peace Corps working with upland slash and burn farmers, mitigating soil erosion and introducing integrated farming techniques. Since 1989 she has worked for the US EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, currently serving as a policy advisor.
Open Seat
The Secretary shall have the duty of keeping the minutes of the meetings of the board, give all notices as required to be given under the provisions of these bylaws or as required by law, keep a register of the addresses of each director, sign with the President or Vice President such documents as require his/her attestation, maintain any post office box of the organization, maintain the organization's files, and in general perform all duties as may from time to time be delegated or assigned to him/her by the President or by the board. (KBR's Bylaws section 4.08)
Open Seat
The Vice President, upon delegation by the President, shall perform the duties of the President, in whole or in part. The duties that may be delegated to the Vice President shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
A. Preside over all meetings of the Board and see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
B. Sign and execute instruments in the name of the organization.
C. See that all books, reports and certificates required by law are properly kept by the organization and filed as necessary with the proper authorities. D. Contract for such services, goods, and property, real or personal, as is necessary for the efficient operations of the organization."